The Kenosha Community Bail Fund was established in 2021 and is a revolving fund that posts bail for People of Color (POC) who are indigent and cannot afford bail/bond. Our goal is to keep families and communities together and vigorously advocate for the end to cash bail in Kenosha.

Your donations will help support the revolving fund that posts bail for People of Color (POC) who are indigent and cannot afford bail/bond.
Kenosha Community Bail Fund Application
Fill out this application to see if you are eligible to have you bond posted by the Kenosha Community Bail Fund.
Every day, Kenoshans, and in particular Black and Brown members of our community languish in the city’s jails awaiting trial simply because they cannot afford bail. Deprived of their freedom, these individuals’ lives are severely disrupted. They risk losing their jobs, housing, and custody of their children without ever first being convicted of a crime. Like many other aspects of our nation’s criminal justice system, people of color are disproportionately subjected to this unfair penalty. The result is a system that criminalizes poverty, enforces systemic racism and strips people who are poor of their presumption of innocence, and insults their right to a fair trial.
In Kenosha, two people accused of the same crime face very different circumstances depending on their access to money. A person who cannot afford to pay bail will be detained in a city jail for an average of 100 days before appearing before a judge to have their case heard. Someone with the funds to afford bail will remain free over this same period of time. Before sentencing, both individuals are legally presumed innocent until proven guilty. The difference is that one has been locked up before trial because they’re too poor to afford bail while the other has remained free.
This system strips Black and Brown people who are poor of their presumption of innocence and causes great economic and psychological harm to them and their families. Justice is being denied in this way to thousands of people every year in Kenosha.
Research shows that just three days in jail makes people more likely to lose their jobs and housing, be separated from their families, and become involved in the justice system again in the future.
Inability to pay bail forces people to plead guilty to get out of jail, even if they are innocent and the evidence against them is weak. Black and Brown defendants are nine times more likely to plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge if they cannot pay bail.
People who are held on bail receive longer sentences than those who can afford to post bail for the same crimes.
The goal of the Kenosha Community Bail Fund (KCBF) is to eliminate money bail in Kenosha. Ending the injustice of money bail requires shifting Kenosha’s bail system from one that is based on wealth to a fairer and more effective system based on a presumption of release before trial, except in the most exceptional circumstances.
The Kenosha Community Bail Fund (KCBF) pays bail at the earliest possible moment for Black and Brown people who request our assistance and cannot afford bail — ideally before they are transferred from their holding cell to jail. The Kenosha Community Bail Fund (KCBF) also subjects the impact of its work to evaluation and uses the results to educate policymakers and lobby for reform.